"ACADEMIC/ATHETIC AWARD"; To promote both academic & athletic performance in our youth. Six (6) awards will be issued to Male/Female Elementary Grades 1-5; Male/Female Middle School Grades 6-8 and Male/Female High School Grades 9-12. Criteria: 3rd 9 weeks official report card (not progress reports) from the school based on a 4.0 GPA Scale. Tie Breakers: A) Meet points scored; B) Records Broken; Coin Toss. Must be present to win. Must be received No Later than Saturday, May 10, 2025 by email to SNATE8@HOTMAIL.com (Subject: Athlete Excellence)
"TRACK MOM AWARD"; BAYTAF is recognizing one deserving "Track Mom" as the 2025 Track Mom of the Year; for complete information, click here.
Most Outstanding Performer: Four athletes (2 male & 2 female); 7 thru 11-12 divisions; 13-14 division and up; Criteria, total points scored, meet records broken, coin toss
Team tents will be allowed in the stadium only on the top row of each grandstand and on the ground on the outer perimeter of the track inside the stadium.
Waiver forms must be signed by Parent or Coach in order to pick up your team registration or Unattached packet. Click here for the waiver.
Protest are filed at the Awards Tent; Fee $100.00. Camera's will not be used to overturn a judgement call.
The 6 and under division(events are 50m, 200m, Long-Jump and Shot-Put). Waiver forms must be signed by Parent or Coach in order to pick-up your Team registration or Unattached packet. Click here for the waiver.
Coaches' Passes will be issued 1 for every 10 registered athletes.
Parent Notes
Advance General Admission for Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be available on-line at https://www.fuml.net/meetinfopage/131 (33nd Annual BAYTAF Classic) or by QR code for $15 until 11:59pm, May 23, 2025. Day of Event General Admission Tickets are $20 (CASH ONLY) at the ticket booth. Youth 4 and under and Seniors 70 and older get free admission with ID.
ABSOLUTELY NO TENT SET-UP OUTSIDE OF THE TRACK STADIUM. All sites will be available on a FIRST COME BASIS starting at noon on that Friday. Tents are not allowed in any other area of the stadium. Umbrellas are permitted in the stands up to the (FIRST AISLE, CLOSE TO THE FINISH LINE) area only. Parents/Coaches please help to enforce this so everyone can see the track meet.
All youth events will be contested on Saturday and Sunday only. Please check Meet Schedule for changes.
Waiver forms must be signed by Parent or Coach in order to pick-up your Team registration or Unattached packet. Click here for the waiver. Packet pick-up will be at track site each day - Friday at 2pm, Saturday/Sunday at 7:00am.
ALL ATHLETES will be issued a bib number. To receive an award, the athlete must be present at the awards area with the bib number and proof of age (i.e., photo ID or birth certificate, etc.). If a bib number is lost, athletes can simply write their number on a blank sheet of paper.